



No. Of Participants

19th July 2012

Interactive Talk  by Ms. Deepika Kaurani, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department, The IIS University

Meeting Horizons in Life - The Wining Edge



21st July 2012

Interactive Talk  by Mr. Vishal Goel,  Director- NATURAL SOFTWARES Pvt. Ltd.

To discuss and share the challenges faced by a first generation Entrepreneur


8th August 2012

NEN Orientation for the students

To orient students about NEN and its functioning.



9th August 2012

Experiential Learning:

"Selling Lemonade" and "Board Room Discussion"

To make students learn the concept of Demand Analysis and Price Elasticity of Demand under adverse market situations.

12 Teams comprising of 5 students each and the Board Room committee of 8 students

17th August 2012

Interactive Talk  by Mr. Vinay Khandelwal , Founder Director- VIN SOLUTIONS

To share Entrepreneurial Experience with the students


21st August 2012

Games / Exercise

Team Building Activities


16 August -  31 August 2012

Drive- E Cell formation

1. Issue of Student membership form

2. Name, Logo Design and Tag Line for E Cell Competition

Open to all the students of the IIS University